Volume Conversion Calculator

Convert 5 teaspoons to tablespoons, ounces, liter, gallons, cups
Volume Calculator Conversions. How much is 5 teaspoons?
Convert to tbsp, oz, cups, ml, liters, quarts, pints, gallons, etc
To Other Units
5 teaspoons to teaspoons
5 teaspoons to ounces
5 teaspoons to tablespoons
5 teaspoons to milliliters
5 teaspoons to pints
5 teaspoons to quarts
5 teaspoons to gallons
5 teaspoons to liters
5 teaspoons to cups
How big is 5 teaspoons? Converting from 5 teaspoons to tablespoons, ounces, cups, milliliters, liters, quarts, pints, gallons. What is it? How many? What is 5 teaspoons in other units?