Tip Calculator

Calculate a 26% Tip on a $390 Bill
Total Bill
Per Person
Calculate a tip. Enter the total bill, tip percentage, and the number of ways to split the bill. How much should I tip on 390? What is the tip for 390 dollars if I tip 26 percent? What about tax? How do I calculate the tip for 390?

Use this calculator any time when giving a tip, such as a taxi, restaurant bill, pizza, or tour guide.
Tip on a $390 Bill by Percentage Tip
1% $3.90
2% $7.80
3% $11.70
4% $15.60
5% $19.50
6% $23.40
7% $27.30
8% $31.20
9% $35.10
10% $39.00
11% $42.90
12% $46.80
13% $50.70
14% $54.60
15% $58.50
16% $62.40
17% $66.30
18% $70.20
19% $74.10
20% $78.00
21% $81.90
22% $85.80
23% $89.70
24% $93.60
25% $97.50
26% $101.40
27% $105.30
28% $109.20
29% $113.10
30% $117.00
31% $120.90
32% $124.80
33% $128.70
34% $132.60
35% $136.50
36% $140.40
37% $144.30
38% $148.20
39% $152.10
40% $156.00
41% $159.90
42% $163.80
43% $167.70
44% $171.60
45% $175.50
46% $179.40
47% $183.30
48% $187.20
49% $191.10
50% $195.00